Advertise With Us

I can help you promote your offline/online business, start-up, seminar etc to my targeted blog readers and you will get a good value for your money.

You can use Sponsored post, Banner ads or Text ads to advertise on my blog.

Sponsored PostI can publish a sponsored post about your website, blog, start up, business OR add your website address into an existing blog post as a sponsor of the post. For FREE, I will promote the post on my Social networks as well as on my Whatsapp

Banner Ads
I am currently using an adserver to serve ads on my blog so that advertisers can have access to the LIVE performance report of adverts placed on my blog including number of views, clicks, CTR, conversions etc.

Email me now:

Whatsapp: +2347062997704
I.G:  @manlikeval

Or send a message on my group: TrendyVoice Facebook Group

The advert rates will be increasing as time passes by…so get listed today